« on: April 18, 2020, 11:25:37 am »
When working on translation of C::B (svn 12064), I have found something which looks like a typo error in edit_tool.xrc.
At line 102 you have :
I think it should be :
as all the other variables.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2020, 11:27:34 am by gd_on »

Windows 11 64 bits (23H2), svn C::B (last version or almost!), wxWidgets 3.2.5 (tests with 3.3), Msys2 Compilers 14.1.0, 64 bits (seh, posix : gcc, g++ and gfortran in C:\msys64\mingw64) or 32 bits (dwarf2, posix in C:\msys64\mingw32).