Surely there must be a default.conf and any other files that code::blocks needs to be able to access the VS C++ 20XX (2017) greater compiler/linker??? I tried modifying the .confg file to include a msvcXX entry--like msvc8 and added a options_msvcXX.xml, but I still can't get it to work. Any help from any CB guru's???
The default.conf file contains a lot of information irrelevant to getting MSVC compiler configured in C::B. The details are really explained for MSVC2019 community edition in the PDF of the first post. I still use that setup. I recommend you spend some time studying that.
Start by defining the 5 user defined global variables: msvc, msvc_toolchain, net_sdk, win_sdk and win_sdk_lib. Use the lobal variable editor. Save by exiting C::B at intervals.
Then define the user defined compiler named MSVC and set its search directories etc. referring to the global variables mentioned and documented in the PDF. I have not experienced any significant slowdown in compiling/linking doing it this way. Make it the default compiler.
It takes a bit of effort to configure things this way, but one benefit is that the C::B project files (I have many) become largely independent of the actual MSVC compiler being used, so upgrading is easier.
I also have an extremely simplified setup for creating new preconfigured projects for the user defined MSVC compiler, essentially a few typical projects with token project names. When creating a new project I simply run a search/replace utility and voila I have a new project file that works the way I want it.
I do not integrate MSVC debugging in the C::B ide. For this I use a C::B Tools menu entry to start the MSVC IDE in debug mode with the current C::B editor file+line as the current debugging point. Not super fancy, but it works well enough for my use.