I should have given more details.
My main tool is Miktex 2.9. I open the file main_codeblocks_en.tex (or main_codeblocks_fr.tex) with miktex-texworks.exe. It is configured for pdfLatex+MakeIndex+BibTex (a default config).
Clicking on the green arrow at the top (composition) produce directly a pdf file. Original images are in png format and the subdirectory figures/png.
To obtain an html version, it need some more work. As I use the tool htlatex (distributed with miktex), it seems that imput images must be in .eps or .ps format. Apparently, it's possible to use .png files, but I tried without success a few threads indications found on the web (I missed something probably

). To convert all the .png files in .ps file, I use Xnview, which has an option to do all the conversions in one step. So, it's quite easy !
Then I launch my cmd file : 00_ToHtml_en.cmd (or 00_ToHtml_en.cmd), which itself calls 00_ToHtml.cmd (the common version). It creates a subdirectory and call the htlatex tool. The parameters of the call have been found in the files prepared by Mario Cupelli some years ago, and still in svn.
If you stop the process here, you obtain 3 html files (a main one and 2 sub-files called by the main one), and many .png files : The problem, is that they have been converted from the .ps file with a loss of quality (reduces size). All files are in the same sub-directory, but you can see that the original name is lost too. Well, like that, it works well, but It's a shame to have lost the names and the quality. Obviously, Mario Cupelli, with his tools, had not this problems. It's why I have written this small Reset_png tool. There is certainly a way to avoid it, but I have not (still) found how to do.
If you use the html file directly, you see that the table of contents appear twice and the url catalog also. So I delete manually a few lines in the *2.html and *3.html files. Not necessary, but gives a cleaner result.
To obtain a chm version, I use the freeware HelpNDoc V6.6. Here too, some manual work is made.
I import directly the file *3.html produced before, and choose the option to "try to split the document into multiple chapters". This gives quite good results exept that chapters need to contain at least one line of text. It's why I have added some lines from here to here in tex files. But, this has an other consequence, the cover page is not seen as a chapter, and does not appear in the result. To avoid this, I edit manually the *3.html file, keep only the beginning (the cover page) and the 2 last lines, to create a new file cover.html. Then, I can import this new file as a complement to the previous import, move it at the beginning of the table of contents and that's all.
The result is quite OK, but there are still a few problems :
- images and their legends are not centered : does not give a nice look, but is works. It's possible to correct this image by image and legend by legend.
- internal links in the chm file does not work (but they worked in the html files), as for example link to a specific figure or chapter. No problems with externals links, they work. Here too, it's possible to correct this manually by creating new links, but it's quite a lot of work. Is it a bug or a limitation of the free version of HelpNDoc ? I don't know.
As those two problems need some tedious work (not difficult, but long), It has not been done. May be at the end when all will be OK, but not sure...
I hope these detailed explanations will help you to understand my work.
For the future, when I'll have modifications to do, I'll first synchronize my own directory by svn (to be sure to have the last official version) and send you via a PM the results. It's OK for me. Of course, send me also a PM if you want that I add or modify something, at least in the french version.
Happy New Year,
