Hm, the title of the repo says that it is a mirror of the main SVN repo. This is a mirror of one of C::Bs developers (Jens), but he is busy with other stuff and it is not that active lately, so probably he doesn't update it. The actual/latest version of the source code is stored in SVN on at the moment.
There are various mirrors on github. Mine is here . It is mostly up-to-date (manually).
If you want to help you're welcome.
For packaging stuff you could look at our night build section to see the latest packages and what is missing. Generally packaging for debian distros should be easy, because we ship the needed recipe files and you just need to run the correct build command.
I have interest to setup some service which can build packages automatically, but other than Open Build Service I don't know any which will build and serve packages. Currently my github mirror is set to build on travis-ci, but there is no easy way to upload every build somewhere and it also builds for some old ubuntu...
My opinion is that C::B on macOS is not in a shippable condition and until some massive problems are fixed it is better to not provide official packages. If you're interested in fixing the bugs I know of, I'll be happy to explain what needs to be done.