I use C::B for Arduino programming via original Arduino-builder.
During Building I have got all messages from Arduino-builder in the C::B "Build log" tab. On the end are the warnings and errors ?parsed? into the "Build messages" tab. It is still OK.
But Arduino-builder works in the (strange) way that:
- main file (named Project_Name.ino) is copied in some temp\Project_Name\build\sketch\ and renamed to the Projedct_Name.cpp.
- Other Sources and Headers from the project directory are copied there and from there are all compiled.
- Another libraries (cpp sources and h headers) stay where they are and are compiled from there.
The problem is that warnings and errors concerning the Sources and Headers from the project directory are refered to the files in temporary directory but not to the original sources.
Is there a way (if yes, which way please) how to (conditionally) redirect the output parsing?
Something like this:
if (warning is from ...\Project_Name\build\sketch\file.cpp)
then {go to ...\Project_Name\file.cpp }
else {change nothing}
I expect that "Advanced compiler options -> Output parsing" could solve this, but I'm really not familiar with regular expression unfortunately.
Thanks Zdena