Yes, 04 is first part, 03 is second part. Sorry!
Yes, the file (default.conf) gets a new timestamp and when I open cb again it remebers my choices (selected checkboxes). The only thing which causes problems is that whenever I try to set the toolchain path to a different folder than the "auto-detect folder" cb does not keep that path. It seems to me that cb ignores any valid path and fills in its "auto-detect folder" during start up. As mentioned before gcc is installed in /usr/bin with a link also in /bin. Since /bin is before /usr/bin in my $PATH cb finds /bin/gcc first. Obviously cb accepts the first found gcc as default - which makes sense - but it does not care whether another valid path has already been specified. So, I cannot set another toolchain path for gcc.
No, I do not have dropbox.