Author Topic: Weird issue with Code::Blocks on Ubuntu  (Read 3469 times)

Offline davidklecker

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Weird issue with Code::Blocks on Ubuntu
« on: April 19, 2016, 02:56:07 pm »
I am using Code::Blocks version 10.05 on Ubuntu 12.04. When I compile a program using <wx/webview.h> Code::Blocks says, Fatal error: wx/webview.h No such file or directory. I have set all my global variables and I have set the build options with the proper flags. If I compile the program outside of Code::Blocks using the same flags I defined in Code::Blocks, basically I am running the same compilation, but outside of Code Blocks, it works. I get no error about wx/webview.h. There was a moment when this worked inside CodeBlocks however I didn't change anything. It just worked. Today it reverted back.

Does anyone have an idea what is going on?


Offline davidklecker

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Re: Weird issue with Code::Blocks on Ubuntu
« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2016, 06:45:53 pm »
I am using the GNU GCC compiler that was included right out of the box when you install Code::Blocks. I'm sorry I don't know the exact version number.

The build log is where the solution lies so thank you for showing me how to create that and view it. Here is the log.

Build started on: 19-04-2016 at 12:13.10
Build ended on: 19-04-2016 at 12:13.10

-------------- Build: Debug in AutoHarp ---------------
g++ -Wall -I/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/wx/include/gtk2-unicode-release-2.8 -I/usr/include/wx-2.8 -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_LARGE_FILES -D__WXGTK__ -pthread -g -I/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/wx/include/gtk2-unicode-release-2.8 -I/usr/include/wx-2.8 -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_LARGE_FILES -D__WXGTK__ -pthread -D__WXDEBUG__ -Wall -c "/home/davidklecker/AutoHarp Suite/trunk/AutoHARP/src/AboutDlg.cpp" -o Debug/src/AboutDlg.o
In file included from /home/davidklecker/AutoHarp Suite/trunk/AutoHARP/src/AboutDlg.cpp:37:0:
/home/davidklecker/AutoHarp Suite/trunk/AutoHARP/src/AboutDlg.h:31:24: fatal error: wx/webview.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
Process terminated with status 1 (0 minutes, 0 seconds)
1 errors, 0 warnings

The error can be noticed when I show you the results of wx-config --cxxflags

-I/usr/local/lib/wx/include/gtk2-unicode-static-3.0 -I/usr/local/include/wx-3.0 -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D__WXGTK__ -pthread

So obviously I have the wrong libraries being linked in Code::Blocks. So I guess my call to wx-config --cxxflags is returning something different to what it returns from the console. How can I make sure the config call in Code::Blocks is returning the proper and correct information?


Offline davidklecker

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Re: Weird issue with Code::Blocks on Ubuntu
« Reply #3 on: April 20, 2016, 01:43:31 pm »
I have resolved the problem with some additional help from the wxWidgets community. The problem is with Code::Blocks calling usr/bin/wx-config which links to the 2.8 libraries rather than Code::Blocks calling usr/local/bin which has the 3.0 libraries which is probably how C::B works to begin with. There may be a much better solution to this but my solution was to delete the wx-config program from usr/bin forcing C::B to go to usr/local/bin.