Author Topic: Using "(folder)\*" in my compiler search directories results in files not found.  (Read 2285 times)


  • Guest
I recently moved around all of my header files, renaming folders and such. Before building, I had to update my search directories of course. I decided I would take a little shortcut since I have all of my headers contained in \header\(subfolder). So that's what I put in the search directories; "header\*". It finds all of my folders except one: Handlers. If I list all of the subfolders individually, it finds everything just fine, but I do want to use the \* in case I want to change folder names down the line or move stuff around again (I like to stay organized :/).

So my question is, why does GCC not find my Handlers folder unless I list all of my subfolders out? As a side note: if i list both "header\*" and "header\Handlers", it still does not get found.
Also, can this be remedied at all?

Thanks for your time.