Thanks. What Stah suggested, worked.
I know how to write a C program. I am not trying to change the name of the 'main' function. I am not talking about the main function. I am talking about the filename, as I said, main.c If you try writing a C program in vi, and compiling it with gcc, or even doing so with C::B outside of a project, you see the filename can be anything. Though for projects, code::blocks defaults to calling the file main.c Of my 3 line question, lines 2 and 3 show that I was just talking about filenames not the main function.
My mistake was an IDE mistake - not "adding the file to the project". I see no rename option within codeblocks(if I saw it I could take main.c that is already added and rename it). So now i'm getting it to work with file..yes..[name it] (or I suppose I can right click the project and do add file).