Author Topic: Related to space and tabs display in editor  (Read 4152 times)

Offline teto

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Related to space and tabs display in editor
« on: June 19, 2015, 04:42:52 pm »

In Editor-> General setting -> "Other editor settings", it is possible to always display spaces which I usually do. I was wondering if I could change the tab arrow by the sublime text character one way or another ? I can live with the current one though.

I had a 2nd more or less *random* question: is it possible that displaying the tab characters may trigger the code completion more often ? I've had the case where
going to the first character of a word ("NULL") from the line just below would trigger the CC (I guess: the cursor was just freezing) while the behavior was flawless when not displaying the tabs.


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Re: Related to space and tabs display in editor
« Reply #1 on: June 19, 2015, 04:52:45 pm »
...I've had the case where
going to the first character of a word ("NULL") from the line just below would trigger the CC (I guess: the cursor was just
I can't understand this, can you give a more detailed description? Thanks.
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Offline teto

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Re: Related to space and tabs display in editor
« Reply #2 on: June 19, 2015, 05:12:10 pm »
For instance (Underscores represent displayed tabs), with lines 1/2/3 here:
static const struct toto = {...
__NULL, 0x0323, "ezez" };

Assume my caret is on the third line and going to the second directly to the 'N' (the caret blinks just before the 'N' or covers the 'N' if it is in block mode as I do):
- with printed tabs enabled, the caret would freeze (i.e. can't move it) for one second
- without printed tabs, the cursor would move just fine.

Displaying the tabs is an option I've only recently enabled so I can't say for sure what I noticed was not due to another artefact.