Author Topic: Code::Blocks is not saving settings on exit.  (Read 15301 times)

Offline TriforceOfKirby

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Code::Blocks is not saving settings on exit.
« on: January 23, 2015, 04:53:54 pm »
I can not seem to get Code::Blocks to save my settings at all, all settings are reset when I relaunch the program. How do I get the settings to save on exit?
I'm using daily builds on Ubuntu 14.10.
Also I'm using this ppa for the Daily Builds: ppa:damien-moore/codeblocks
« Last Edit: January 23, 2015, 05:00:13 pm by TriforceOfKirby »

Offline stahta01

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Re: Code::Blocks is not saving settings on exit.
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2015, 05:57:49 pm »
No idea what to try on Linux.

This is what I try on Windows.

Open CB and then exit without opening any projects.
If projects are opened close them before exiting.

Then, I open CB again and no projects should be open normally.
I then disable all CB plugins except compiler one at a time.
Remembering the one that crashes CB if it crashes.
Then, if CB does not crash I exit CB to verify the disabling of plugins is saved.

Then, after confirming the only plugin activated is the compiler plugin.
I enable a single plugin and exit and restart CB to see which plugin is causing the failure to save settings.

If I find an unstable plugin I do one of three things.
Report it to the CB site/forum
Uninstall it from my system
Work on debugging the cause myself.
I often do more than a single choice from the list.

Tim S.

C Programmer working to learn more about C++ and Git.
On Windows 7 64 bit and Windows 10 64 bit.
When in doubt, read the CB WiKi FAQ.

Offline Brute

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Re: Code::Blocks is not saving settings on exit.
« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2015, 07:43:55 pm »
I can not seem to get Code::Blocks to save my settings at all, all settings are reset when I relaunch the program. How do I get the settings to save on exit?
I'm using daily builds on Ubuntu 14.10.
Also I'm using this ppa for the Daily Builds: ppa:damien-moore/codeblocks

If you do not find a solution to this I would recommend you to create a project template and have all your setting in template it self, so that if CB crashes your template will retain your settings.

That's how I create new projects in CB and don't care if CB goes crazy since it can't hurt my template.

Offline oBFusCATed

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Re: Code::Blocks is not saving settings on exit.
« Reply #3 on: January 23, 2015, 08:40:18 pm »
One easy way to see if it is crashing is to start it from terminal and inspect the output. If you see something like "blabal segmentation fault" then it has crashed.
(most of the time I ignore long posts)
[strangers don't send me private messages, I'll ignore them; post a topic in the forum, but first read the rules!]

Offline TriforceOfKirby

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Re: Code::Blocks is not saving settings on exit.
« Reply #4 on: January 23, 2015, 10:38:07 pm »
Ok so here is what I get when I start Code::Blocks with the terminal:
$ codeblocks
Starting Code::Blocks svn build  rev 10078 Jan 23 2015, 13:23:01 - wx2.8.12 (Linux, unicode) - 64 bit
Initialize EditColourSet .....
Initialize EditColourSet: done.
Loading menubar...
OccurrencesHighlighting: loaded
Autosave: loaded
ClassWizard: loaded
Compiler: loaded
CodeCompletion: loaded
ScriptedWizard: loaded
FilesExtensionHandler: loaded
Debugger: loaded
AStylePlugin: loaded
ProjectsImporter: loaded
Abbreviations: loaded
ToDoList: loaded
OpenFilesList: loaded
OccurrencesHighlighting plugin activated
Autosave plugin activated
Class wizard plugin activated
Added compiler "GNU GCC Compiler"
Added compiler "Intel C/C++ Compiler"
Added compiler "GDC D Compiler"
Added compiler "GNU Fortran Compiler"
Added compiler "G95 Fortran Compiler"
Added compiler "GNU GCC Compiler for ARM"
Added compiler "LLVM D Compiler"
Added compiler "GNU GCC Compiler for TriCore"
Added compiler "GNU GCC Compiler for ZPU"
Added compiler "GNU GCC Compiler for PowerPC"
Added compiler "*No Compiler*"
Added compiler "PGI Fortran Compiler"
Added compiler "LLVM Clang Compiler"
Added compiler "GNU GCC Compiler for MSP430"
Added compiler "GNU GCC Compiler for AVR"
Added compiler "GNU GCC Compiler for LM32"
Added compiler "Digital Mars D Compiler"
Added compiler "Tiny C Compiler"
Added compiler "GNU GCC Compiler for LM8"
Added compiler "Small Device C Compiler"
Compiler plugin activated
Code completion plugin activated
Project wizard added for 'Empty project'
Project wizard added for 'Fortran application'
Project wizard added for 'Fortran library'
Project wizard added for 'Fortran DLL'
Project wizard added for 'Console application'
Project wizard added for 'D application'
Project wizard added for 'FLTK project'
Project wizard added for 'GLFW project'
Project wizard added for 'GLUT project'
Project wizard added for 'GTK+ project'
Project wizard added for 'Irrlicht project'
Project wizard added for 'Lightfeather project'
Project wizard added for 'Matlab project'
Project wizard added for 'OpenCV project'
Project wizard added for 'OpenGL project'
Project wizard added for 'Ogre project'
Project wizard added for 'Code::Blocks plugin'
Project wizard added for 'QT4 project'
Project wizard added for 'SDL project'
Project wizard added for 'SFML project'
Project wizard added for 'Static library'
Project wizard added for 'Shared library'
Project wizard added for 'wxWidgets project'
Build-target wizard added for 'Console'
Build-target wizard added for 'Static library'
Build-target wizard added for 'wxWidgets'
Project wizard added for 'ARM Project'
Project wizard added for 'AVR Project'
Project wizard added for 'TriCore Project'
Project wizard added for 'PowerPC Project'
Project wizard added for 'MCS51 Project'
File(s) wizard added for 'Empty file'
File(s) wizard added for 'C/C++ source'
File(s) wizard added for 'C/C++ header'
File(s) wizard added for 'Fortran source'
Scripted wizard plugin activated
Files extension handler plugin activated
Debugger plugin activated
Source code formatter (AStyle) plugin activated
Foreign projects importer plugin activated
Abbreviations plugin activated
Todo List plugin activated
Open files list plugin activated
Loading toolbar...
ClassBrowser::UpdateClassBrowserView(): No active project available.
Initializing plugins...
ClassBrowser::OnThreadEvent(): Updating class browser...
ClassBrowser::OnThreadEvent(): Class browser updated.
Deinitializing plugins...
Warning: Could not save config file...
Looking at that last line is says it couldn't save the config file, also there seem to be some other errors as well.

Offline Jenna

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Re: Code::Blocks is not saving settings on exit.
« Reply #5 on: January 23, 2015, 10:49:10 pm »
Do you have a file named "default.conf" besides the codeblocks-executable (normally in /usr/bin).
In this case you should remove it.
This is at least a possible cause for such a behaviour.
Or for some reasons the "default.conf" in "~/.codeblocks" is owned by a different user or you have at least no write-access to it.

Offline TriforceOfKirby

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Re: Code::Blocks is not saving settings on exit.
« Reply #6 on: January 25, 2015, 10:17:59 pm »
Ok so apparently the default.conf in ~/.codeblocks was owned by the root, changing the ownership to myself solves the problem. Thanks.


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Re: Code::Blocks is not saving settings on exit.
« Reply #7 on: November 08, 2015, 05:27:18 pm »
Thank you so much, I've been dealing with this stupid error for 2 days!

It's even weirder when you upgrade codeblocks from an older version because you can save some settings.  :o