I'm new. Using MSWindows 7 64-bit.
Installed C::B using codeblocks-13.12mingw.exe
That part's working.
Now trying to figure how to get SFML working with it.
Using CMake I built SFML-2.2. [* note further on]
C:\Program Files (x86)\CodeBlocks\MinGW\bin is on the System PATH.
Following instructions on
http://www.sfml-dev.org/tutorials/2.2/start-cb.php I'm getting an error message about libstdc++-6.dll .
Also following instructions on that web page I've configured C::B's Project\Build Options where Directories are selected for compiler settings, linker settings. As far as I know I've got paths to \bin, \include, et cetera, entered correctly in those places.
(In #define all I have is SFML_STATIC)
I've been trying to learn what 'entry point' means, and I've read many opinions about that .dll, many solutions offered, which often mention that one must be sure to be using g++ compiler rather than GCC.
Although g++.exe is in the \MinGW\bin , I can't figure a way to get it to show up in the C::B compiler selection menu. I can't see it, so can't select it. But apparently if I could figure how to do that, then with that compiler this .dll problem would be fixed...?
* I built SFML because someone in a Forum message suggested it, but before that I'd installed SFML-2.2-windows-gcc-4.9.2-mingw-32-bit . I may take a big step back to that point, restart with that package of SMFL, but meanwhile if anyone has dealt with this problem and can share up-to-date tips about how to at least understand what the trouble is and what it means, much obliged.