Author Topic: Help to build XLL add-ins for Excel 2010, with XLW 5.0.1f0 and Code::Blocs 13.12  (Read 3902 times)


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Hello everybody,

I saw the previous post regarding the same subject but it is an older one.
Software versions had changed.

Here are the steps I followed without success :

1. Launch XLW : Programs / XLW / xlw-5.0.1f0 / xlw / Extract XLW xll template
2. Choose Code::Blocks(MingW) option
3. Choose Destination Folder and Install ==> OK  :)

4. Double-clic on "Template.workspace" => Launch of Code::Blocks
5. Clic on Build Menu

Obtained result :
Running target pre-build steps
make -f RunInterfaceGenerator.mak
Execution of 'make -f RunInterfaceGenerator.mak' in 'C:\Users\emmanuel.guignier\XLL_Project' failed.

Comments :
Regarding the "RunInterfaceGenerator.mak" content, I see 2 references to "source/xlwWrapper.cpp", but, no xlwWrapper.cpp in it !!
Why ?
Please help !

Thanks a lot.