Author Topic: glew.h code completion  (Read 3046 times)


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glew.h code completion
« on: April 11, 2014, 06:06:10 pm »
Hi there,

I just started using Code::Blocks for coding and I'm having problems getting
Code::Blocks to recognize and correctly parse "glew.h".
If, for example, I write "glBufferData(" code completion should show the function parameters.
Instead the opening parentheses turn red and nothing happens.

glBufferData in glew.h is defined like this:
#define GLEW_GET_FUN(x) glewGetContext()->x
typedef void (GLAPIENTRY * PFNGLBUFFERDATAPROC) (GLenum target, GLsizeiptr size, const GLvoid* data, GLenum usage);
#define glBufferData GLEW_GET_FUN(__glewBufferData)

Is it possible to get GLEW code completion in Code::Blocks?
Is Code::Blocks able to parse such a nested definition?

I'm using Code::Blocks 13.12 on windows with mingw