I just downloaded code blocks on my mac book pro - mountain lion 10.9.1
I tried a simple program in c shown below and received this message.Nothing to be done (all items are up-to-date).
Checking for existence: /Users/tdesser33/Desktop/FirstProgram
Executing: osascript -e 'tell app "Terminal"' -e 'activate' -e 'do script "/Users/tdesser33/Desktop/FirstProgram"' -e 'end tell' /Applications/CodeBlocks.app/Contents/MacOS/cb_console_runner (in /Users/tdesser33/Desktop)
Process terminated with status 0 (0 minute(s), 4 second(s))
Here is the error in the terminal window on the mac. "-bash: /Users/tdesser33/Desktop/FirstProgram: Permission denied"
Can anyone give me some advice. Is this a set up problem?