Author Topic: CB Hangs on parsing project  (Read 2668 times)

Offline MasterAlexei

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CB Hangs on parsing project
« on: November 19, 2013, 09:24:14 am »
Hello every one.
first of all - CB is great!

But since 4 years there is a bug, I did already reported more times, and it still there. See picture on this link.
As you see, the CB runs on full CPU (8 Cores => 12%). On a CB Log there is a log entry - Create Parser for project. It hangs so during I write this post.
Some times, if the Parser is done, I can work some time, until I open a .h file, which has no "partner" .c or .cpp. In such case the parser also hangs.
The same is occurs, if I use Thread Search.

My thoughts are - it is a Multitasking problem with parser.

This behavior occurs much ofter, if I set more than 1 parser per Workspace.
It also occurs much ofter if the project have files with more than 2000 lines;
also if there are more than 100 files in one project;
also if the files are located not in the same Directory, where project located, but outside of it: I have a lot libraries, which are located some where on the drive, and not in the same Directory.

I use CB build 9417 against wxWinsgets 2.8.12 unicode 32 bit.

Hope this will be investigated.

PS. I cannot give a sources of the proj, which is on the picture, but here you may load my private project which has absolute the same behavior. There are more .cbp files in there. The most interesting will be \ArmMP3Player\Main\ArmMP3Player.cbp because it is a big enough and have files outside of its location.
« Last Edit: November 19, 2013, 09:30:19 am by MasterAlexei »