Author Topic: Codeblocks editor lag...  (Read 11414 times)

Offline darksquall57

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Codeblocks editor lag...
« on: January 25, 2013, 11:19:31 am »

I just recompiled Codeblocks from the last svn (8814) and it seems that everytime I change something in a file, a lag occurs in the editor.
So I cannot move my text cursor smoothly or select a text smoothly for example.

I tried to disable the code completion plugin but the lag is still there.
I noticed that when I enable code completion Toolbar in "View->Toolbars", the lag occurs at the same time as the code completion toolbar refreshs.

And it refresh even if I inactivate the code completion plugin.

Does someone have a solution to stop this lag, because in my previous version of codeblocks compiled 2 months ago, I did'nt have it.


Offline darksquall57

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Re: Codeblocks editor lag...
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2013, 11:47:18 am »
I've solved my problem by using a clean configuration of Codeblocks again. So I deleted the ~/.codeblocks directory and launched codeblocks again. And no more lag.

I tried to search differences between the two different configuration files, but I can't find anything because they're so much different.