> setup you executable paths and then disable the option "Settings -> Debugger -> auto build project if it is not up to data"
"Settings -> Debugger -> auto build project is a global setting so I'd have to remember to switch this on/off as I switch projects. That might work but it's not a good solution.
So it's time to enter makefile hell ... yay.
The point is rather than everyone figuring their way around a quirky system, a more intuitive interface will make support easier and the product better. If your motivation is just to add the stuff you need/use, that's fair enough I suppose. Such is free software ...
update :
> setup you executable paths and then disable the option "Settings -> Debugger -> auto build project if it is not up to data"
so, now I'm done whining & actually doing what you've suggested it works. and it works sweet.
this is why this is frustrating. you've done the hard bit. just a little "icing on top" & that's another weird quirk transformed into another awesome feature.
Other stuff:
Editor shortcut config & incremental search should be standard base package features not addons imo.
Not suggesting changing your default key bindings. Your choice there is more intuitive but allowing secondary binding packages (or however you want to call it) to provide shortcuts that match other popular packages would aid user migration.
Cheers guys.