Author Topic: Stage 1 completed!  (Read 41422 times)

Offline Ceniza

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Re: Stage 1 completed!
« Reply #15 on: January 19, 2006, 10:59:52 am »
Is it just me or the "Go to declaration" and "Go to implementation" when you right click on an item of the class browser takes you to the wrong place?

I tried that today with many items and it always took me to the wrong file at a "random" line.

Offline rickg22

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Re: Stage 1 completed!
« Reply #16 on: January 19, 2006, 06:07:02 pm »
The tests.cbp project has these includes ../common/include and ../math/include (on the one and only target in the file), but every time I tell the parser to follow local and global includes it still doesn't get any symbols from those headers.

Hmmm, this case I really don't know. My modifications only optimized the parsing of the files, (and screwed up the codecompletion :P ), but i don't remember altering the logic behind the include paths. Can you try this with... (eew) RC2 (please install in another directory) and tell if it works?

Offline rickg22

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Re: Stage 1 completed!
« Reply #17 on: January 19, 2006, 06:08:20 pm »
Is it just me or the "Go to declaration" and "Go to implementation" when you right click on an item of the class browser takes you to the wrong place?

Hmm I'll check it out...