Author Topic: Suggestions for editor  (Read 10723 times)


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Suggestions for editor
« on: February 25, 2005, 09:18:32 pm »
Hi everybody, first post here.

I have a few suggestions for the code editor. Nothing wrong on how it works right now, but I would love to see features that other IDEs and editors have.

The main one is being able to turn on/off the autoparens complete (I mean appending ')' automatically after you type '('). The other one would we "automagic" indenting, like the one in scite (e.g: autoindenting after an opening brace).  Another good one is the posibilty to add tags support (find variable declaration, find function, etc) and the possibility to open headers files (for example "#include <wx/wx.h>") from the context menu.

OK, I believe those are enough. I've downloaded the code (not the CVS) and am trying to understand everything to see whether I can implement some of those (for example, the autoindent I know is a parameter to the STC, and now I'm looking which of them it is).

Anybody else has suggestions? Would like to hear them!

To the code::blocks team: keep the excelent work. You're going far!