Author Topic: Generating c++ files from wxSmith files without using GUI  (Read 3233 times)


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Generating c++ files from wxSmith files without using GUI
« on: April 29, 2012, 01:23:03 pm »
Hello everybody,

I'm looking for a way to generate C++ files from wxSmith files (*.wxs) using command line. In fact I want to generate wxs files from data definition in xml using a custom schema.

Using wxs will help latter if I need to customize.

The only usable executable I found is codeblocks.exe but I didn't find any usefull information for me. Is there a way to call the wxsmtih generator from command line?

I found that maybe using squirrel script but I don't know if there is any command avaible. I found nothing in the web and I don't know if there is way to enumerate availble commands.
