Thanks to all for the pointers - I'll check them out ASAP. Unfortunately I've just become very short on free time, but they're bookmarked and will definitely be explored as soon as I get time.
@MaxGaspaIt appears that RedEdit and RedEd are two different products. I tried downloading ResEd from the link you provided, but just get (php?) errors in both Opera and Firefox (eg.,
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/www/web415/html/_sub/radasm/wp-settings.php:520) in /home/www/web415/html/_sub/radasm/wp-content/plugins/download-monitor/download.php on line 512, etc.).
Part of my reason for asking was to see if there was a favorite tool that most CB developers prefer. So, I'll keep looking - Thanks.
@Neil ButterworthFrom what I could see, RedEdit looks like a good product. Here's (in a nutshell) what I saw. I created a CB project from a minimal Win32 program (not mine, it's just a tutorial of creating a status bar). Here are the stock resource files:
resource.h#define IDI_ICON 101
#define IDC_STATUSBAR 1000resource.rc#include "resource.h"
IDI_ICON ICON "icon.ico"I've not included the (130 line) C source, but you get the picture. As-is, it builds properly, but if I simply load resource.rc into RedEdit and resave it, it modifies both of them as per below, which won't build since the IDC_STATUSBAR resource is no longer there:
resource.h#ifndef IDC_STATIC
#define IDC_STATIC (-1)
#define IDI_ICON 101resource.rc// Generated by ResEdit 1.5.8
// Copyright (C) 2006-2011
#include <windows.h>
#include <commctrl.h>
#include <richedit.h>
#include "resource.h"
// Icon resources
IDI_ICON ICON "icon.ico"Not suprisingly, the build aborts with "
C:\data\source\c\Learn_Win32\statusbar_CB\statusbar.c|88|error: 'IDC_STATUSBAR' undeclared (first use in this function)". Once again, it's probably just a ResEdit config setting I've missed, but I'm too inexperienced at this point to catch it. As is probably obvious, this is just a hobby for me and it's challenging at best to even find time to work on it, much less actually learn and retain something!

Thanks for both of your replies.