Author Topic: Support for New Languages  (Read 5896 times)


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Support for New Languages
« on: December 17, 2005, 04:40:07 pm »
I've been using Code::Blocks for a couple of weeks now, and really like it.

I do most, but not all, of my work in C++. I would like use Code:Block for other languages. It looks like this can be done, but it is poorly documented (like everything in Code::Blocks, this is the biggest weakness).

I thought I'd start by looking at what other people had already don, so I downloaded the MatLab lexer files and put them in the lexer directory, but Code::Blocks seems to be unable to find them. What do I have to do to get C::B to find the new lexter?

After I have figured out how to add new lexers, I will be trying to integrate with new compilers (ocaml, D, and AspectC++ for starters), if any one knows of problems I am likely to encounter when I get there a heads up would be appreciated.


Offline Michael

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Re: Support for New Languages
« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2005, 10:07:33 pm »
I do most, but not all, of my work in C++. I would like use Code:Block for other languages. It looks like this can be done, but it is poorly documented (like everything in Code::Blocks, this is the biggest weakness).

IMHO, it is rather difficult to provide good documentation of a project that is continuing developing and improving. Good documentation requires a lot of time to be done and mantained. Anyway, between the wiki and the sdk reference manual, C::B is not so poorly documented. And the users of the forum are always ready to answer questions :).

After I have figured out how to add new lexers, I will be trying to integrate with new compilers (ocaml, D, and AspectC++ for starters), if any one knows of problems I am likely to encounter when I get there a heads up would be appreciated.

D has already been integrated :). GNU Fortran 77 has also been integrated (check the C::B wiki. It is an interesting how todo article).


Offline rickg22

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Re: Support for New Languages
« Reply #2 on: December 18, 2005, 06:20:08 am »
Also, a new compiler framework will be implemented on version 2.0. This will solve all the current problems. :)

Offline Michael

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Re: Support for New Languages
« Reply #3 on: December 18, 2005, 06:20:56 pm »
Also, a new compiler framework will be implemented on version 2.0. This will solve all the current problems. :)

A new compiler framework? If this will make addition and customization of new and compilers, it would be great :D.

Thanks for the good new.


Offline MortenMacFly

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Re: Support for New Languages
« Reply #4 on: December 18, 2005, 06:39:07 pm »
so I downloaded the MatLab lexer files and put them in the lexer directory, but Code::Blocks seems to be unable to find them
Please note that in I also stated that there is currently an issue with adding new lexer files to C::B. Also new file types are not registered correctly on restart of C::B ( I am working on a patch which I will provide to sourceforge for it.

Compiler logging: Settings->Compiler & Debugger->tab "Other"->Compiler logging="Full command line"
C::B Manual: