Author Topic: --OpenGL ES Dev on: iOS, Kindle, Windows Mobile, Android, XNA?--  (Read 18991 times)

Offline tgucm

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I have been programming for many years and I am still in my Native C++ studies at the moment.

I have plans to port several developments/games to these other devices and I was really hoping that as my Native C++ gets up to par with my other programming skills that I could use an IDE such as C::B to do it  :D

^-- that said; if anyone has any useful advice, tutorials, links to other posts, and/or some good book suggestions then I would be most ( i mean most ) grateful for your posting it here in one place for myself and many other new comers ( many of which I plan to send to here to get started with C::B )

As for my current understanding from all the reading and reading and research I, myself, have done to date:

I believe that using OpenGL ES for 3D graphical development is the only truely cross-platform 3D graphical system available and from the Kronos Group.  what about for 2D?

I also understand that Apple Corp has been making the regular habbit of changing the way their Xcode operates every so often as a result that makes non-mac ide's have problems compiling and thus the developers of those ide's have to either change their entire software around to accomadate all of the new changes to Xcode -or- give up entires as i 'think' the case was with GarageGame's iTorque3D.

My understanding of Kindle Development isn't very much at this time but I 'think' they use a form of Andoid or perhaps Linux to run their hardware.

Microsoft Windows Mobile:
I 'believe' with the release ( or sometime after the release ) of the upcoming Windows 8 operating system that Microsoft will be releasing a mobile version of their windows 8 -- however; that's about the extent of my knowledge about the subject at this time....

I have had some experience using an Android phone and like many ( manny ) people around the world; i have my likes and my dislikes about the o/s.  Right now I know that it can handle 2D pretty well but I don't know if it can support 3D or if OpenGL ES works on it for 3D or not but i'd like to learn more just in case that market would be viable for our projects.

hmmmm... would C::B be something for XNA ?
C++ novice as of 2011... C++ 'intermediate' as of 2012... please be kind O:-)

Offline MortenMacFly

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Re: --OpenGL ES Dev on: iOS, Kindle, Windows Mobile, Android, XNA?--
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2012, 11:32:10 am »
I guess you are in the wrong forum here, please ask in a developer forum for OpenGL / graphics. I am pretty sure you will get better answers there, because this forum is related to the cross platform IDE Code::Blocks that doesn't use or provide graphics.

So the only question related to C::B and therefore appropriate in this forum  is this one:
hmmmm... would C::B be something for XNA ?
The answer: As long as it works with a compiler supported by C::B and (for the sake of looking nice) the language is supported by the styles of the editor there is no issue.
Compiler logging: Settings->Compiler & Debugger->tab "Other"->Compiler logging="Full command line"
C::B Manual:

Offline Alpha

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Re: --OpenGL ES Dev on: iOS, Kindle, Windows Mobile, Android, XNA?--
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2012, 09:46:34 pm »
hmmmm... would C::B be something for XNA ?
The answer: As long as it works with a compiler supported by C::B and (for the sake of looking nice) the language is supported by the styles of the editor there is no issue.
No C# lexer yet (although creating one should be as simple as copying the C++ one, switching out the keywords).

Offline tgucm

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Re: --OpenGL ES Dev on: iOS, Kindle, Windows Mobile, Android, XNA?--
« Reply #3 on: January 27, 2012, 03:18:28 am »
@MortenMacFly: opps  :-[  sorry about the wrong forum there  :)

I would really like to use C::B and OpenGL to see how far I can get on my own with PCs but porting developments to the iOS is pretty high on my priority list as well; i hope to learn as much as i can about the entire process and using C::B to port to iOS would be a dream come true for me  ;D
C++ novice as of 2011... C++ 'intermediate' as of 2012... please be kind O:-)