Author Topic: The display size of the DoxyBlocks toolbar icons inconsistent with others  (Read 15449 times)

Offline zhl

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I select menu:settings->Environment->View and check the 22*22-normal in the toolbar icons size option and the size of Doxybolcks is inconsistent with other icons size.Maybe devs can improve that.Below are the problem size picture and the consistent size picture.My English is not good and I hope that my words can be understood well. :)
C:B ver:rev7385
« Last Edit: October 09, 2011, 03:01:56 am by zhl »

Offline Alpha

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This post might be related to your problem.

(Sorry, I realize this is not exactly an answer...)

Offline Jenna

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It was an incorrect image size (32x32 instead of 22x22) and is fixed in trunk.
It's the "doxywizard.png" and you can resize it yourself in "share/CodeBlocks/images/" below C::B's exe-folder (on windows).
For a quick fix you can resize it yourself.

Offline zhl

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It was an incorrect image size (32x32 instead of 22x22) and is fixed in trunk.
It's the "doxywizard.png" and you can resize it yourself in "share/CodeBlocks/images/" below C::B's exe-folder (on windows).
For a quick fix you can resize it yourself.

Many thanks and I have downloaded the 22x22 image size from trunk and the toolbars looks pretty.