Author Topic: New Code::Blocks Icons  (Read 73205 times)

Offline Alpha

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Re: New Code::Blocks Icons
« Reply #15 on: August 10, 2011, 02:39:27 am »
Thanks everyone for your input.
the violet and green colored cubes look a bit weired as the color is bumpy...
Yes the colors do look a bit off (it was surprisingly difficult to get the correct colors); I think I have fixed the green (see below), and I will see if I can do anything about the violet.  (Is what you are seeing as bumpy the inner reflections and transparency?)

what does the bubble used for?
For the version number.
Yes; I also made a version without it here (it also includes my blender project file and the original 1920 by 1200 renders - who knows, maybe someone wants a C::B wallpaper).

We can use it as a trunk new logo?
New release -> new logo. ;-)
I would love it if this splash became official.  (Does this mean a new release is in the works by any chance?)

I would like the C::B quadrant be in front the panel
I am not sure exactly what you are suggesting, could you elaborate?
« Last Edit: September 01, 2011, 11:03:39 pm by Alpha »

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Re: New Code::Blocks Icons
« Reply #16 on: August 10, 2011, 03:14:51 am »
I would like the C::B quadrant be in front the panel
I am not sure exactly what you are suggesting, could you elaborate?
I mean that the C::B quadrant would be put parallel to the front plane which contains the text. Your current design was putting the quadrant in the side plane.
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Offline MortenMacFly

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Re: New Code::Blocks Icons
« Reply #17 on: August 10, 2011, 07:10:13 am »
(Is what you are seeing as bumpy the inner reflections and transparency?)
Yes, that's what I meant. The C::B symbol should be more solid-coloured with less reflections. This is the main icon, basically and should ideally consist just of the 4 C::B colours... shadows not counting. But here, a lot more other colours come in due to the reflections. For example the black content (the mirrored webpage address for example) should not be there IMHO. So maybe it's just as simple as turning the transparency off for this part.

Besides: It's really nice! :D And please keep the bubble for the version number. This is required (also, for some guidelines, see here:,12156.msg82577.html#msg82577).
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Offline Alpha

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Re: New Code::Blocks Icons
« Reply #18 on: August 10, 2011, 07:36:48 pm »
I don't like it
I don't like it either... too "fancy"
Does this style (less "in-your-face" 3D) better suit you?

Personally, I prefer the other style, but an altered version of this has become my new desktop background.

I mean that the C::B quadrant would be put parallel to the front plane which contains the text.
Like this?

It will still need some work (move the bubble up; possibly replace the falling cubes on the side panel with something like a few lines of code).

The C::B symbol should be more solid-coloured with less reflections.
OK, transparency and reflectivity reduced.
« Last Edit: September 01, 2011, 11:04:24 pm by Alpha »

Offline Alpha

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Re: New Code::Blocks Icons
« Reply #19 on: August 12, 2011, 10:05:13 pm »
Of the icons I posted at the beginning, I have realized that I accidental used an ico file format which is incompatible with XP.  Here is an XP compatible version I converted (set B only).

Offline Dreamy

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Re: New Code::Blocks Icons
« Reply #20 on: August 17, 2011, 09:07:52 am »
I have to agree this logo looks totally 90'ish...
It's like... First first 3D attempts under Windows 95...
And what does this concept mean? It looks like a big gravestone.
And it's so shiny... Shiny stuff is so outdated...
And the bubble? Oddly rotated and sticking out.
And the colors? Like a kids toy.

Splash screen used till today has really cool logo, I'd use that logo everywhere (maybe rotated somehow to better fit in an icon).
I just don't like italic font there too much and agree it needs to be rearanged so there's not that empty space anymore.

Pastel colors & paint-like 3D are so modern, rich colors & fancy shiny 3D look really childish...

Don't take me wrong, I'm just explaining my opinion...

Just have a closer look and compare these two...

1) Like a first attempt doing 3D  2) Professional looking modern logo
« Last Edit: August 17, 2011, 09:18:00 am by Dreamy »

Offline ouch

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Re: New Code::Blocks Icons
« Reply #21 on: August 17, 2011, 09:25:04 pm »
That's a little harsh.

But personally I really wouldn't care if it was a picture of oBFusCATed beating a kitten with a baby seal, it's a splash screen that gets displayed for a second then goes away on an open source project... It doesn't need to to be AAA stuff.

Offline Alpha

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Re: New Code::Blocks Icons
« Reply #22 on: August 18, 2011, 04:50:09 am »
Thanks, but don't worry about it too much.  I do not really care if I am told I am completely wrong, as long as I am told why.

I have continued working on the colors - personally, I like colors which are more vibrant, but the reduced transparency in my last post made it too much so.  Also, I added a significant blur to the reflection (again, I like sharp images, but I do realize that I am not everyone).  Here is my work in progress.

... and with sharpened corners

(I would have replied a bit earlier, but fuzzy reflections caused the render time to take 5 times as long as before.)

And the bubble? Oddly rotated and sticking out.
Hmm... I agree, but I couldn't find a better spot for it; any suggestions?

I really wouldn't care if it was a picture of oBFusCATed beating a kitten with a baby seal
(So you know, that brings a very "unique" image to mind :shock:)
« Last Edit: September 01, 2011, 11:05:01 pm by Alpha »

Offline Dreamy

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Re: New Code::Blocks Icons
« Reply #23 on: August 18, 2011, 11:05:04 am »

Mmm, from my point of view, the logo is much an improvement now, though I still don't like the concept.
The logo is still in background, while most of the picture is taken by that gray brick (aka gravestone).

Could you please try the less "in-your-face" 3D version with logo slightly modified (these newer colors plus reflextion blur, possibly those sharper corners), without the bubble and with text a "little bit" less glossy? I believe it might look way cool, and a version without gray background could be perfect for Start here page (and on other spots as well - webpage, forum logo?).

ouch: ouch

others: What do you think?
« Last Edit: August 18, 2011, 11:10:20 am by Dreamy »

Offline Alpha

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Re: New Code::Blocks Icons
« Reply #24 on: August 18, 2011, 06:30:40 pm »
OK - render in progress (this may take some time).

The logo is still in background, while most of the picture is taken by that gray brick (aka gravestone).
I tried to choose a neutral, non-obtrusive color for the background; is there a different color you would suggest I try?

Offline polygon7

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Re: New Code::Blocks Icons
« Reply #25 on: August 18, 2011, 07:23:35 pm »
OK - render in progress (this may take some time).

The logo is still in background, while most of the picture is taken by that gray brick (aka gravestone).
I tried to choose a neutral, non-obtrusive color for the background; is there a different color you would suggest I try?

Please, don't use that "brick and bubble" in next logo proposal - it looks awful.
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Offline Dreamy

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Re: New Code::Blocks Icons
« Reply #26 on: August 19, 2011, 09:52:53 am »
Quote from: polygon7
Please, don't use that "brick and bubble" in next logo proposal - it looks awful.

This is what I'm trying to say. Logo (and text, ok) should be the only 3D objects.

Quote from: Alpha
I tried to choose a neutral, non-obtrusive color for the background; is there a different color you would suggest I try?

I think less "in-your-face" 3D version has pretty good background for a splash screen and a version without background or completly white background would be cool for Start here page.

Quote from: Alpha
OK - render in progress (this may take some time).

May I ask what software and computer do you use? I am curious what time it takes to make this render.

Offline Alpha

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Re: New Code::Blocks Icons
« Reply #27 on: August 19, 2011, 04:51:37 pm »
Understood.  In case you were wondering, my original idea had been drawn out with the purpose of giving a bit more depth than previous splashes.  (It is difficult to tell, but the gray section is not an actual block, but two flat panels meeting a right angle.  The only way to see this is to display it on different backgrounds and notice that no edges from the far side are visible through the slight transparency.)  What would you think about trying for a "z" pattern by adding a third panel?

My computer has dual 2.40 GHz processors and 4 GB RAM (well actual 3, as it is 32 bit).  I am doing modeling and rendering with Blender and a little bit of post-processing with either Photoshop or the GIMP (I tried both, and they worked equally well) to re-size (original size is 1920 by 1200), trim, and add the drop shadow.  The "block" version with sharp reflections takes about 30-45 minutes.  Switching it to blurry reflections pushes the time up to 2.5 hours (I had to push reflection light samples from 18 to 500 in order to prevent artifacts).  The "flat" version with sharp reflections takes about 1.5 hours (it has a lot more light interactions).  Changing to blurry reflections looks like it will take a bit over 18 hours to render.  (I really should have decreased the render size on this to a more manageable size, however, Blender has already been working for some time, and I would prefer not to interrupt it just to change the size.)  I posted my .blend file earlier if you want to take a look at it.  Also, when the render is finished, I could upload a newer version if you would like.

Offline polygon7

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Re: New Code::Blocks Icons
« Reply #28 on: August 19, 2011, 06:30:04 pm »
Understood.  In case you were wondering, my original idea had been drawn out with the purpose of giving a bit more depth than previous splashes.  (It is difficult to tell, but the gray section is not an actual block, but two flat panels meeting a right angle.  The only way to see this is to display it on different backgrounds and notice that no edges from the far side are visible through the slight transparency.)  What would you think about trying for a "z" pattern by adding a third panel?

My computer has dual 2.40 GHz processors and 4 GB RAM (well actual 3, as it is 32 bit).  I am doing modeling and rendering with Blender and a little bit of post-processing with either Photoshop or the GIMP (I tried both, and they worked equally well) to re-size (original size is 1920 by 1200), trim, and add the drop shadow.  The "block" version with sharp reflections takes about 30-45 minutes.  Switching it to blurry reflections pushes the time up to 2.5 hours (I had to push reflection light samples from 18 to 500 in order to prevent artifacts).  The "flat" version with sharp reflections takes about 1.5 hours (it has a lot more light interactions).  Changing to blurry reflections looks like it will take a bit over 18 hours to render.  (I really should have decreased the render size on this to a more manageable size, however, Blender has already been working for some time, and I would prefer not to interrupt it just to change the size.)  I posted my .blend file earlier if you want to take a look at it.  Also, when the render is finished, I could upload a newer version if you would like.
I think nice and good looking splashscreen could be based on one of splashscreens listed here (especially Photoshop, Corel Draw or Microsoft ones).
« Last Edit: August 19, 2011, 06:57:19 pm by polygon7 »
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Offline Dreamy

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Re: New Code::Blocks Icons
« Reply #29 on: August 19, 2011, 07:59:43 pm »
I knew you wanted to give the splash screen another "dimension", but when people try this, it usually gets much worse than a "flat" version. That's why all splash screens we see around are more or less "flat".

Your computer is good enough, I didn't know you're using bigger render size, will the quality visibly drop down when you decrease it for example to a half? 18 hours for a preview sound like cruely wasted time. Might my 8-thread i7 920 help you with some rendering? (My PC usually doesn't sleep when I do.) I'd help with the splashscreen itself too, but I'm pretty lame in Blender (though as soon as I find some free time, I plan to learn it as it's damn useful plus free).

//polygon7: I don't think it's a good idea to make full quote of previous post, which is just above yours. It's... redundant.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2011, 08:26:33 pm by Dreamy »