Hi Jens,
I am fully aware that the community is not there to teach me how to program, and i can imagine that it can become really tiresome for you all when people come constantly along hoping for some sort of miracle explanation into programming. As i thought i stated in my post, maybe unclear dunno, i just wanted pointers in the right direction. Sure i understand that the ide needs a working knowledge of C++ to make a gui work and that eventually i will have to get my head down and learn.
Either way i have to learn and it has to be C++, so where i learn and with who all depends on the ide and the community that use it. As and when i get to grips with it, it will obviously go in the favour of the community and tools used.
You said:
If you seriously want to start learning C++ programming it would be a goo idea to do the first steps on a console, to learn how the compiling and linking process works.
OK, thanks! i'll check that out!
You also said
You wrote that you have searched the wiki, and the wxSmith tutorials oBFusCATed pointed to are there !
Yes i am going over them now and have the list cds example done and open as i write this. Strange because its actually a step in the direction i am looking to go with my first application (a
sort of personal diary/journal), the next step is to actually make it do something when i hit the buttons. save new entry, add new entry, delete entry, search entry etc etc. But all in good time!
As for accepting others opinions, as with critics, i agree 100% if they are constructive. A welcoming slap in the kisser isn't really my idea of constructive though.