It crashed here, just after I finished writing the last post and clicked back on C::B... :-)
No such crash here.
Did you try to remove the devel and output subdirectory and the pch-files (include/*.gch) manually, to be sure everything is linked correctly.
The windows-hack for the mousewheel seems to break the tooltips. I will see if I find a solution.
For the moment, you can just comment out the part of the hack in cbauinotebook.cpp in cbAuiNotebook::UpdateTabControlsArray() (the lines that disconnect and connect the wxEVT_LEAVE_WINDOW and wxEVT_ENTER_WINDOW events).
I found the cause for the crash (shame on me): the dynamically connected event-handler have the control, that sends the event as this-pointer, not the instance of the class, they are member of. But the compiler does not know this (dynamically) and therefore it does not lead to an error, if we call a member-function directly or use a member-variable as pointer.
It's corrected now, also the issuethat the tooltips are closed immediately aftr they are created.
ToolTip-creation gives the focus to the tooltip, this leads to a mouseleave-evemt of the tabctrl, this leads to a restore of the old focus (or set it to the new selected tab) and this closes the tooltip, because it loses the focus.
Should be fixed in the attached patch.
EDIT:updated patch: