Author Topic: Fluid plugin... (only idea)  (Read 7622 times)


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Fluid plugin... (only idea)
« on: November 10, 2005, 09:31:37 pm »
Hello, i'm learning fltk, and FLUID. (Fluid is something like wxWidgets Form Builder, but to FLTK).
I would like to write plugin for C::B (FLUID), but i can't becouse i'm newbie yet.
But if you like my idea, i will be very happy, when somebady will write that plugin.
I can only make graphics for that :).
FLTK is getting popularity, on the last times, in many countries in europe, or america.
I hope you understand me, becouse my english is'nt good.
FLUID plugin will be something like wxSmith plugin, but not for wxWidgets - for FLTK; when somebady will write it.
Best Regards, and sorry for my english.

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Re: Fluid plugin... (only idea)
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2005, 11:26:10 pm »
FLTK is cool. :)

Shame it is not popular enough, so much better than most every other toolkit.
"We should forget about small efficiencies, say about 97% of the time: Premature quotation is the root of public humiliation."


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Re: Fluid plugin... (only idea)
« Reply #2 on: November 11, 2005, 11:01:33 am »
True, for me the current best toolkits are wx and fltk.

FLTK is very fast and small and the internal design seems to be good, however FLTK development is so slow (well, it's developed by very few people) and it haves less widgets than other toolkits.

The another issue with it is that it doesn't support native widgets, nor does it support user themes (for the 1.x version).
The version 2.x will support themes (but not native widgets), but I'm waiting for it since 3 years ago perhaps, and at the development progress, it seems that we'll have it ready for 2015 :cry:.

The good point of supporting native widgets is that it's future proof because whatever toolkit uses the OS (Windows Vista, GTK3, Mac OS X 11, Symbian 4), your apps will look good and have expected functionality by the user.