Author Topic: ColorCoder plugin v1.0.1 (updated 2010/10/17)  (Read 26027 times)

Offline Cryogen

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Re: ColorCoder plugin v1.0.1 (updated 2010/05/19)
« Reply #15 on: September 10, 2010, 07:24:35 pm »

 Hi Deschamps,

Thanks for a nice little plug-in. I've updated it to build as a contrib plug-in, i.e. changed output paths,  removed references to $(cb), added makefiles, added post-build steps etc. It will now build along with the other contrib plug-ins if you add the project to the contrib plug-in workspace. I've also provided a patch for the system build files outside contrib\ColorCoder. Files are attached.

I've tested it on Win7 and Ubuntu Karmic both building in CB and via make.

Hopefully it can become a contrib plug-in with minimal effort, now.

If you would still like to build the .cbplugin, the same command will work but you will just need to change the paths to reflect the new output locations. Let me know if you need assistance.



Offline Deschamps

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Re: ColorCoder plugin v1.0.1 (updated 2010/05/19)
« Reply #16 on: October 17, 2010, 06:17:28 pm »
Hi there. I read this message time ago, but forgot to answer it :( I'm sorry.

Hi Deschamps,

Thanks for a nice little plug-in. (..)

You're welcome :)
Thanks to you for trying it.

(..) I've updated it to build as a contrib plug-in, i.e. changed output paths,  removed references to $(cb), added makefiles, added post-build steps etc. It will now build along with the other contrib plug-ins if you add the project to the contrib plug-in workspace. I've also provided a patch for the system build files outside contrib\ColorCoder. Files are attached.

I've tested it on Win7 and Ubuntu Karmic both building in CB and via make.

Hopefully it can become a contrib plug-in with minimal effort, now (..)

Thank you very much for this job. I've tested it on Archlinux and it's also working fine.
It would be nice seen integrated this little utility as plugin in the svn C::B sources.

Kindest regards.
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