Author Topic: theoretic question to include libs  (Read 2705 times)

Offline Ingeborg

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theoretic question to include libs
« on: January 28, 2011, 02:40:27 am »
Dear Community,

I have a basic theoretical question. On Linux you need for every header file an object file with .o ending. When i am installing a lib from linux on windows (for example fftw3) via MinGW on MinGW console, then i obtain in the installation folder (which i have determined as prefix for executing configuration  script). Now my question is what is the .o pemdant on windows? I am relatively sure, that it is a dynamic link lib .dll. If yes, then my question is, how i can link it on code blocks? I have installed c::b. I jave written some code to test functionallity of the linux libs i have installed.

The error message is actually "undefined reference to"

I think it is a basic compiler knowledge problem what i have. I would be very glad if i get some help.

Thank you and nice greets!
