Author Topic: Why CB has been developed using wxWidgets?  (Read 5827 times)

Offline Michael

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Why CB has been developed using wxWidgets?
« on: November 01, 2005, 12:29:53 pm »

I would like to ask the developers of CB, why they have chosen wxWidgets instead of e.g., Qt ( for implementing CB. Personally, I have used both in different projects and I have found them very good (and with helpful user forums).

Thank you very much.

Best wishes,

Offline mandrav

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Re: Why CB has been developed using wxWidgets?
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2005, 01:04:24 pm »
Short answer:

1) When C::B was started, Qt didn't have a GPL windows version.
2) wxWidgets uses the native widgets for each platform whereas Qt uses its own widgets (don't know if this has changed). We want the user to feel "at home".
3) I have too worked with Qt and I dislike the use of meta-compilers. But let's not turn this into a holly war: it's just a matter of taste and personal preference.
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Offline Michael

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Re: Why CB has been developed using wxWidgets?
« Reply #2 on: November 01, 2005, 01:12:03 pm »

Thank you very much for your answers.

Regarding point 3, I also agree with you. When I developed with Qt, I have had several problems with the meta-compiler. Anyway, as you say, it is just a matter of personal preference.

Best wishes,