I've been using code::blocks for a while now, and as far as I am concerned it is THE environment for developing wxWidgets apps.
Putting it under heavy use made me think of two additions that would IMHO boost productivity even further:
1) Add the ability of importing a full set of GUI files (wxsmith .wxs files, .cpp and .h source files) to a project. I've been doing this manually editing the .cbp file but it's a pain and error-prone;
2) Add the possibility of saving partial GUI definitions that can be later imported and cloned into different projects (sort of on-the-fly composite GUI controls). For instance, one could define a standard dialog with a set of buttons, that could later be imported into different projects and populated with additional GUI elements. I have a small "navigation bar" for browsing through records in a database; this is something that I have to use quite often, it would be convenient to be able to add it to some repository and add to new projects as needed.
Are these feasible?
In any event, thanks for the excellent software, I cannot praise it enough.