Author Topic: Puzzling problem when I move a search directory  (Read 2631 times)

Offline johne53

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Puzzling problem when I move a search directory
« on: November 02, 2009, 12:54:49 pm »
I'm just starting a project that will make use of sigc++2 (but using VC++ as my compiler). I've created a workspace and at the moment it only has one project (namely, the sigc++2 branch). Among the project's "include directories" (i.e. directories to be searched) I've added $(#base)\libs\sigc++2 where base is simply declared as F:

Everything builds fine - but further down the line, I know that this folder will be needed by other branches. So I deleted it from the project's search directories and added it to my global list (Settings->Compiler and Debugger->Search Directories->Compiler). All of a sudden, the project no longer compiles (i.e. some header files that used to be found are no longer being found).

As an example, one of the "missing" files is F:\libs\sigc++2\sigc++\connection.h - I should be able to include this with #include <sigc++/connection.h> but it doesn't work (or at least, it only works if I specify $(#base)\libs\sigc++2 in the project's search paths but not if I specify it in the overall search paths). What am I not understanding here??

Offline johne53

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Re: Puzzling problem when I move a search directory
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2009, 01:05:33 pm »
Oops.... how silly of me! I'd added the folder into the settings for the wrong compiler!!  :oops: