There is small different problem.
If you does not support exeptions in arm C++ debugged code this crash appear. You must check off Catch C++ Exeption in Debugger Tab.
This crash is due to gdb finish before line 1550 in debugergdb.cpp
and GetDrive return NULL (no gdb running or finishing before)
in debug window:
Building to ensure sources are up-to-date
Build succeeded
Selecting target:
Adding source dir: /mnt/sdb1/bl/blink/
Adding source dir: /mnt/sdb1/bl/blink/
Changing directory to: bin/Debug
Adding file: bin/Debug/blink
Starting debugger:
Running command: set prompt >>>>>>cb_gdb:
Registered new type: wxString
Registered new type: STL String
Registered new type: STL Vector
Setting serial connection speed to 38400
Connecting to remote target
Setting breakpoints
Running command: show version
Running command: set confirm off
Debugger name and version: GNU gdb (eCosCentric GNU tools 4.3.2-sw)
Running command: set width 0
Running command: set height 0
Running command: set breakpoint pending on
Running command: set print asm-demangle on
Running command: set unwindonsignal on
Running command: set disassembly-flavor arm7tdmi
Running command: catch throw
Debugger finished with status 1
and Crash...
// Don't issue 'run' if attaching to a process (Bug #1391904)
if (m_PidToAttach == 0)
// in case finish gdb with result 1 (Catch C++ exeptions setting), GetDriver() return NULL
if( m_State.GetDriver() != NULL)
// switch to the user-defined layout for debugging
if (m_pProcess)
Petr Cermak.