Author Topic: [help]about look and feel of the linux build of code blocks 8.02 and svn version  (Read 4467 times)


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[help]about look and feel of the linux build of code blocks 8.02 and svn version

i build the code blocks 8.02 and svn version under fedora11 with wxwidgets-2.8.10 and gtk-2.16.5

first,the build was success,but when i run the apps,the llok and feel seems to be old style , not the modern look and feel come with fedora11.

second,i make simple wxwidget apps ,such as helloworld ,and run,it with the modern look and feel,so do the gtk helloworld build.

third,i download the  binary build version 8.02,install and run,it also with the modern look and feel.

so,i think may be there did have some build options i have missing,any advice are welcome,thanks.

PS:my build options:
make install

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Hello Jnny_CN.

I am not sure if I got your point but I use the latest available svn version that exists on the server on a daily basis and never had any issue with look and feel. Also, I would like to mention to you that I use Fedora as well, though the previous edition, the 10th. Why I didn't upgraded to 11, don't ask! :D

Now, if you refer to Fedora's Look and Feel it has nothing to do with Code::Blocks. If this is your case, you should check your Fedora Look and Feel settings. You may go to System > Preferences > Look and Feel > Appearance.

If again that's not your case, I would like to help you but I would need more information please :D

Another thing I would like to mention to you is your compilation procedure.

As normal user, not as root(!), you should run your command like the Code::Blocks Wiki says:

  • ./bootstrap
  • ./configure --with-contrib-plugins=all
  • make
Now, run su - root, enter your password and now run the last command which is make install


P.S.: "wxWidgets gives you a single, easy-to-use API for writing GUI applications on multiple platforms that still utilize the native platform's controls and utilities. Link with the appropriate library for your platform (Windows/Unix/Mac, others coming shortly) and compiler (almost any popular C++ compiler), and your application will adopt the look and feel appropriate to that platform."

To read more please visit About wxWidgets
« Last Edit: September 04, 2009, 11:39:48 pm by stefanos_ »


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hello stefanos_

thanks for your reply^_^

sorry for my poor english :-\

i'll try to detail my questions

the version of wxwidgets install in my fedora11 is 2.8.10 from source code build

build options is "--enable-unicode --with-compat24"

then i build the demo and the samples

both successful ,and with the "modern look and feel" <---(with light blue titlebar,light blue scrollbar ,and light blue shadow with the selected menu on the menu bar)

my wx-config is:
[user@localhost ~]$ wx-config --list

    Default config is gtk2-unicode-release-2.8

  Default config will be used for output

  Also available in /usr/local:
[user@localhost ~]$ wx-config --libs
-L/usr/local/lib -pthread   -lwx_gtk2u_richtext-2.8 -lwx_gtk2u_aui-2.8 -lwx_gtk2u_xrc-2.8 -lwx_gtk2u_qa-2.8 -lwx_gtk2u_html-2.8 -lwx_gtk2u_adv-2.8 -lwx_gtk2u_core-2.8 -lwx_baseu_xml-2.8 -lwx_baseu_net-2.8 -lwx_baseu-2.8
[user@localhost ~]$ wx-config --cxxflags
-I/usr/local/lib/wx/include/gtk2-unicode-release-2.8 -I/usr/local/include/wx-2.8 -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_LARGE_FILES -D__WXGTK__ -pthread

and i build the lasted svn version of codeblocks use the options you provided ,build was ok,but the outlook aslo not the "modern look and feel"<--(it come with the dark blue shadow on the selected menu ,gray color scrollbar not the light blue color)

and also download some apps source code build with wxwidgets :
1)filezilla-  ./configure ./make ./make install
2)audacity-1.3.8 ./configure ./make ./make install
3)poedit-1.4.2 ./configure ./make ./make install

the filezilla- and audacity-1.3.8 build ok ,and the result are the same as the code blocks i build , has no "modern look and feel"

but the poedit-1.4.2 build has the "modern look and feel" ,this confuse me,so i think there will have some different "options" let the compiler knows which style will be use.

i check the "configure","makefile" and some other files that i think may have the difference,cause i am green ,i couldn't get any usful clue.

the three snapshot from my first post:

no.1 and no.2 is the snapshot of my build , you can see the outlook is not the "modern look and feel"

no.2 is a snapshot of an apps with the "modern look and feel""

if you enlarge the no.1 and no.2 you can see the difference style

such as scrollbar,dropbox,tabsheet .

finally i'd like paste my lasted build snapshot,you aslo can see it not the "modern llok and feel"

and paste a snapshot of the poedit build witch have the "modern look and feel"

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  • Guest
Hey Jnny_CN,

I see. You should report your problem to #fedora channel and I am pretty sure the guys would love to help you.

The way I see it, it has something to do with missing libraries. I had the same issue with Qt application that were installed on my system but didn't have KDE desktop environment previously installed; the style was like yours. After being curious, I decided to give a shot to KDE to see what could happen and I was right! It was a missing library or broken symbolic link somewhere and got my Qt application look alike Windows 98 software!

You should check your libraries with the guys.



P.S.: You should install VirtualBox on your system and test a previous Fedora version to see if you face the same issue. In case you don't, well...there you have it, you have found out your problem.
« Last Edit: September 08, 2009, 04:29:43 pm by stefanos_ »