Author Topic: linking resources with borland tools  (Read 7591 times)


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linking resources with borland tools
« on: February 10, 2005, 02:19:09 pm »
if you use the borland tools and want to link resources, you have to change "Global compiler options->Other->Advanced options->Link object files to executable".:
$linker $libs $link_options $link_objects, $exe_output, , cw32.lib import32.lib mylib.lib, , $resource_output

Unfortunately, the command macros $link_objects and $resource_output will expand to the same result, which contains object files and compiled resource files. Result looks like this:
ilink32.exe   -L"C:\\Borland\\BCC55\\lib"  -L"..\\lib\\dbg"   -x -Gn -c  -ap c0x32w -c -v "src\\.objs\\main.obj" "res\\.objs\\resource.res" , "bin\\locale.exe", , cw32.lib import32.lib mylib.lib, , "src\\.objs\\main.obj" "res\\.objs\\resource.res"

As workaround you should use "Global compiler options->Other->Compiler Logging:" with "Full command Line" and copy the output to a console window and correct this manually, like this:
ilink32.exe   -L"C:\\Borland\\BCC55\\lib"  -L"..\\lib\\dbg"   -x -Gn -c  -ap c0x32w -c -v "src\\.objs\\main.obj" , "bin\\locale.exe", , cw32.lib import32.lib mylib.lib, , "res\\.objs\\resource.res"

By the way the command macros $libs and $libdirs will expand to the same result, too, so you just need only one of them.

I hope, these bugs will be fixed in the next beta6?

If the command macro $libs is intended to expand to a list of static libraries, where can I enter those libraries?


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linking resources with borland tools
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2005, 03:45:11 pm »
Yes, it's a known limitation and a fix is planned for the next release.

Be patient!
This bug will be fixed soon...