Author Topic: QtWorkbench plugin  (Read 263217 times)

Offline RT200

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Re: QtWorkbench plugin
« Reply #210 on: December 06, 2008, 07:47:20 pm »
QtWorkbench 0.6 does not working with Code::Blocks r5325 on my Debian Lenny.  After installation plugin does not appears in "Manage plugins" dialog. Can anyone confirm this problem?

P.S. I'll try compile few others revisions and check this plugin on WinXP, but it will take some time.
P.P.S. Code::Blocks was complied from source on Debian Lenny using WxWidgets 2.8.7 (with unicode support enabled). I compile it using control files from debian directory running command "debuild". QtWorkbench was compiled from installed Code::Blocks r5325.

UPD: QtWorkbench works fine with Code::Blocks r5322 (last night build) on WinXP
UPD2: When installing plugin error message appears in concole: "(codeblocks:6372): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_text_buffer_emit_insert: assertion `g_utf8_validate (text, len, NULL)' failed"
« Last Edit: December 07, 2008, 02:06:28 pm by RT200 »

Offline RT200

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Re: QtWorkbench plugin
« Reply #211 on: December 10, 2008, 09:11:23 am »
Sorry for panic, Code::Blocks was linked with wrong libraries, Now all works fine  :oops:

Offline ChiPnGo

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Re: QtWorkbench plugin
« Reply #212 on: February 13, 2009, 04:39:33 pm »
I tried to use QtWorkbench plugin from svn (0.6.0a). Simple copied and (compiled from qtworkbench-linux.cbp) to cb directories and it appeared in "installed plugins". But after selecting project properties it crashes.
Is it a right way to install plugin?
Ubuntu 8.10 x64, cb 8.02 (via apt-get).

binaries, mb?
« Last Edit: February 14, 2009, 02:15:32 pm by ChiPnGo »

Offline critic

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Re: QtWorkbench plugin
« Reply #213 on: April 23, 2009, 02:29:06 pm »
Please fix the following bugs:
  • move checkbox that enables plugin usage to top of settings pane
  • save settings when OK button of dialog pressed
  • make it easier to use this plugin

If I have only release version of Qt I can't build debug target of project, but why? This can be walked around using traditional libs' paths and libs options

You can use sources and ideas that presented at,10453.msg71877.html#msg71877

Offline critic

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Re: QtWorkbench plugin
« Reply #214 on: May 15, 2009, 06:08:07 am »
I work on windows XP using C::B nightlies.
Where I can get last svn snapshot of this plugin?
Last release of plugin is not working properly (problems with saving settings when closing config dialog, enable checkbox is hided at bottom of the config dialog and much more)

Some requests of improving old and adding new features

It will be better if you make applying of settings without closing the project.

Please, add button 'Browse' to value editor in advanced view (to enter file system paths)

It will be good if plugin offer to change path to relative (as in C::B project build options dialog)

Can you save Qt project settings in cbp-file? It will be better to keep in mind only one project file (pro-file can be generated before starting make)

Some additional information can be found at,2253.msg71882.html#msg71882
« Last Edit: January 25, 2012, 03:50:16 pm by critic »

Offline yop

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Re: QtWorkbench plugin
« Reply #215 on: May 15, 2009, 09:30:16 am »
!!!Are you all died!!!?

I don't see how this can help... Anyway thank you for the interest I am still alive and well.

Your suggestions are clear. The plugin is developed in my spare time and was heavily developed while I needed it. Right now I 'm not using it full time so development is stalled. I started working on some things a few weeks ago but again my day job engagements didn't let me wrap it up. When and if I find some time I will provide the updates and you will all be notified. I understand your frustration and I apologize but this is the best answer I give you at the moment.
Life would be so much easier if we could just look at the source code.

Offline MortenMacFly

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Re: QtWorkbench plugin
« Reply #216 on: July 07, 2009, 02:28:18 pm »
I don't see how this can help... Anyway thank you for the interest I am still alive and well.
If you find the time: I have fixed two serious null pointer issues that happen if you do single file compilation and have it's root in this plugin. Find the patch attached...

[attachment deleted by admin]
Compiler logging: Settings->Compiler & Debugger->tab "Other"->Compiler logging="Full command line"
C::B Manual:

Offline yop

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Re: QtWorkbench plugin
« Reply #217 on: July 13, 2009, 02:01:00 pm »
It doesn't seem that there will be any time left in my spare time to update the plugin any time soon. I have converted the repository to Mercurial so anyone interested can fork it easily.

From :

The plugin supports the now (Jul '09) latest official C::B release 8.02. The plugin will not be further maintained and the source code repository has been converted to Mercurial enabling the easiest available option for forking to anyone interested in picking it up. Thanks for all the fish.

Life would be so much easier if we could just look at the source code.