What version of CB do you use? With tostring or with wxString_ToLong binding?
Open the script console, to see the script errors (view -> script console)
Firstly, Thanks for your reply!
I use the SVN 5645 CB and applied your patches(two patches, the debug command and STL vector).
I'm sorry, I'm not sure what's the difference between tostring or wxString_ToLong binding

In my mind, I can only understand the wiki page of debug_script.
http://wiki.codeblocks.org/index.php?title=Debugger_scriptsLike the image

There are several steps:
1, send a command to GDB to query the variable type by "whatis v"
2, GDB return the type = XXXXXXX
3, if the type string matches some Evaluate_XXX function, then the correct script will be called by squirrel to GDB for more details
4, the corresponding Parse_XXXX function will be called to give the correct value the "watches panel"
So, what does the binding used for?

Here is my squirrel log output:
Welcome to the script console!
AN ERROR HAS OCCURED [the index 'tointeger' does not exist]
*FUNCTION [Parse_StlVector()] F:\cb_svn\src\output\share\codeblocks\scripts\gdb_types.script line [158]
[size_value] INSTANCE
[capacity_pos] 16
[vector_info_str] INSTANCE
[size_pos] 0
[start] 0
[a_str] INSTANCE
[this] TABLE
Seems I should use "tostring"? How can I do? Thanks.