Why don't you provide the latest snapshots of C::B's codecompletion plugin with nightly builds (for testing) or it is in the state that not allows this?
The issue for me is that the CC mods are based on the wxAUI branch which is not trunk. Maybe if killerbot offers to provide both: The wxAUI branch and the trunk version as nightly I could think of integrating it. The issue is clear: We don't want to make many changes at a time as this usually introduces errors hard to track. So the schedule is: 1.) Testing wxAUI (which
everybody can do - the more do the faster we get a stable branch). IMHO it is already very stable and I am working with it on a daily basis but
only under Windows. 2.) Merging wxAUI to trunk so everybody gets the benefits through nightlies 3.) Creating a CC branch to start testing the CC improvements. 4.) Merging CC improvements to branch.
You may ask: Why don't you do it? Well - the reason is simple: Although I have written this several times now I get no feedback and nobody is willing / has the time to help. So I am basically kind of stuck.
In fact it creates a bizarre situation for me: It's getting more and more difficult to sync my local mods (which are not only wxAUI and CC) with trunk and the wxAUI branch. :lol: