Author Topic: Next release? Plus, a website suggestion for itchy people.  (Read 6501 times)


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Next release? Plus, a website suggestion for itchy people.
« on: October 07, 2005, 03:55:26 am »
I hate to sound like a kid in the back seat going "are we there yet? are we there yet?" but I am deeply curious as to how much longer I have to hold my breath until the next release of CodeBlocks comes out. I know I can build the latest from CVS and see whats in the pipeline, but lets presume that I am very lazy/busy.

Right now I'm forced to use M$ Visual Studio, and its not a particularly pleasant experience, but until CodeBlocks has enough polish to, say, properly autocomplete/intelli-sense when it comes to templates and namespaces*, I can't switch to this brilliant alternative.

It would be nice if the main page had a changelog, because in these forums I see a lot of people saying "it would be nice if CodeBlocks did X" followed by a developer saying "we added X in CVS 3 days ago." If there was a simple page with a list of stuff like "[date] - Added feature X to codeblocks, its now in CVS", it would make itchy people like me happier. :P There is already some stuff similar to this idea on the main C::B webpage, but most of it just says glaringly obvious things like "RC1-1 has been released."

At any rate, keep up the good work! CodeBlocks is amazing so far!

* By this I mean, complex usages of this stuff causes the autocomplete/intelli-sense plugin to go funny, until eventually it just stops working and there are no more suggestion lists popping up. Most of the obvious bugs in regards to the plugin have already been posted to SF, afaik.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2005, 03:58:53 am by null »

Offline rickg22

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Re: Next release? Plus, a website suggestion for itchy people.
« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2005, 05:00:54 am »
RC2 was going to be released last week, but some unexpected bugs came out and we had to do a test / fix / test again cycle.

This saturday Yiannis will pack a "preview" of RC2, which we, the mighty :-P developers, will test. If it's OK, then it will be released next monday.

Offline rickg22

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Re: Next release? Plus, a website suggestion for itchy people.
« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2005, 05:04:06 am »
It would be nice if the main page had a changelog, because in these forums I see a lot of people saying "it would be nice if CodeBlocks did X" followed by a developer saying "we added X in CVS 3 days ago."

Welcome to the wonderful world of Bug reports! This is the page you're looking for  :-)


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Re: Next release? Plus, a website suggestion for itchy people.
« Reply #3 on: October 07, 2005, 06:58:59 am »
It would be nice if the main page had a changelog, because in these forums I see a lot of people saying "it would be nice if CodeBlocks did X" followed by a developer saying "we added X in CVS 3 days ago."

Welcome to the wonderful world of Bug reports! This is the page you're looking for  :-)

There is also the RFE page, set to browse "closed" feature requests... however, a lot of them are closed not because they were implemented, but because they contain suggestions that are not possible (eg. bring back MDI) or once again are features that were already implemented behind-the-scenes. Anyways, the SF pages are still fairly useful I guess. :P


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Re: Next release? Plus, a website suggestion for itchy people.
« Reply #4 on: October 18, 2005, 06:27:59 am »
I have only saw the website display RC1-1 released. I don't konw anything behind the upcoming RC2 any more. I think, a successful Open Source project should have a Opened Roadmap, but where's C::B's ?


Offline thomas

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Re: Next release? Plus, a website suggestion for itchy people.
« Reply #5 on: October 18, 2005, 10:03:15 am »
RC2 is not released yet, so it is not surprising that it is not "on the roadmap". Otherwise, a hundred people would be asking "Where is it? I can't find it" every day. It may be common practice in certain circles to set a release date for a product that you don't have yet and then postpone that date indefinitely (think of Half-Life 2), but that is not precisely a good way of doing it.

The "downloads" section contains the present release as well as the last release. There is a "news"  section (with an archive) which shows "milestones". There is a forum called "Announcements". Planned features are discussed in various places on the forum, and more often than not, the developers give precise information as to when a specific feature request or bugfix will be addressed (already in CVS, post-RC2, post-1.0 etc). I think alltogether, this could be called a very open roadmap. Thank you for taking the time to read before complaining.
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