Author Topic: I don't like staring at a white screen  (Read 5963 times)


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I don't like staring at a white screen
« on: October 04, 2005, 04:00:27 am »
I'm sorry if I'm missing something, but there doesn't seem to be a way to change the background colour of the editor. Changing the default background colour in settings -> editor -> colors only works as far as to fill the space behind the text, not the whole thing.

Is this a bug or intended? Is there some other place to change the background colour? Is it planned for the future? etc.?

The reason I ask is because I usually code late at night, with little light (nothing much I can do about the lighting), so I need a really low contrast theme like the zenburn cream/vim theme.


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Re: I don't like staring at a white screen
« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2005, 04:17:53 am »
If that's what I'm thinking, it was solved in one of the latest versions of Code::Blocks. At least it works in Code::Blocks CVS.

Are you using the latest RC? If you are and it'sn't working try a CVS binary snapshot.


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Re: I don't like staring at a white screen
« Reply #2 on: October 04, 2005, 04:27:29 am »
Brilliant, thanks.

Problem was I got the mingw dist without realising it was slightly behind the non-mingw dist. Everything's fine, now.