Hi all,
I submitted a patch (#2337), but only later found out that it didn't include two binary files that are also needed.
I already found a topic on this subject called "BerliOS, patches and binary files" from April 2006. A reply to that post suggested to use .tar.gz files and then upload these. I subsequently submitted another patch (#2338) and specified the .tar.gz zipped version of the files. Submitting didn't raise any errors, but when I checked the submission by clicking the "View Raw Patch" link a download came up of only 8 bytes... as in: I didn't know gzip was that efficient

So how can I submit these binary files? Or should I just e-mail them to whoever will process my patch?
btw: only after submitting patch #2338 I saw you could modify an existing patch (#2337 in my case); if I had known that I wouldn't have created #2338; sorry for that.