Author Topic: Docking of windows  (Read 3512 times)

Offline wever

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Docking of windows
« on: September 08, 2014, 08:12:01 pm »
Would it be possible to correct the docking of windows? Right now, I feel uncomfortable when I have small resolution and I want to move Watches window a little bit to left, so it should overlap the Management window. Recently I had problem that it automatically resized and fit the size of the Watches window and move upwards left. That was not what I wanted and I had a bit problems to keep it not auto-resized and move away, so to keep it in the location which I want and the size which I want. I finally did it - don't know how, but my first attempts were unsuccessful. I got idea that the mechanism of receiving and checking coordinates of window which I am moving could shift the limit for x coordinate after which if moves window to left.

Also I would welcome if I could save the columns width of the Watch window in the perspective just by a single click on the header of the window - just place the option to the context menu of the window.