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Why does ld.exe ask for dllcrt2.o in CB?
I'm quite new to all this C world as I come from Java world. However I do understand compiling and linking and I know how to write simple C stuff.
I'm writing a program that is supposed to be an extension to a GIS software, so it's a DLL. CB does a fantastic job with autocompletion and everything, but I have a problem:
Compilation runs fine but linking never happens. I click a second time on the "build" button and the Log says:
--- Code: ----------------- Build: Release in PortillonV2 ---------------
Linking dynamic library: bin\Release\PortillonV2.dll
ld: dllcrt2.o: No such file: No such file or directory
Process terminated with status 1 (0 minutes, 0 seconds)
0 errors, 0 warnings
--- End code ---
BTW, to export the symbols from my PortillonV2.dll, I use a definition file.
Now, I can't get past this. Notice I managed to get the dll using the command line, and it doesn't require the dllcrt2.o file... so why does ld ask for it when I use CB?
--- Code: ---PS D:\Dani\workspaceC\Portillon\obj\Debug> ld -share -o Portillon.dll main.o dllcrt.o D:\Programmes\Kits\C\Lib\
b C:\mingw\lib\libcrtdll.a ../../port.def
--- End code ---
For completeness: I'm using mingw downloaded today 5/04/2007 as well as the 4/04/2007 CB build for Windows. And I'm running on Vista.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
EDIT: oooh my! I think I might have not posted this in the correct forum. If the moderators want to move it around, feel free to do so. Sorry for the inconvenience.
--- Quote from: mango on April 05, 2007, 03:15:25 pm ---Compilation runs fine but linking never happens. I click a second time on the "build" button and the Log says:
--- Code: ----------------- Build: Release in PortillonV2 ---------------
Linking dynamic library: bin\Release\PortillonV2.dll
ld: dllcrt2.o: No such file: No such file or directory
Process terminated with status 1 (0 minutes, 0 seconds)
0 errors, 0 warnings
--- End code ---
--- End quote ---
If you turn on "full command line" in "compiler settings" it will be easier to know where the problem comes from.
--- Quote from: mango on April 05, 2007, 03:15:25 pm ---Now, I can't get past this. Notice I managed to get the dll using the command line, and it doesn't require the dllcrt2.o file... so why does ld ask for it when I use CB?
--- Code: ---PS D:\Dani\workspaceC\Portillon\obj\Debug> ld -share -o Portillon.dll main.o dllcrt.o D:\Programmes\Kits\C\Lib\
b C:\mingw\lib\libcrtdll.a ../../port.def
--- End code ---
For completeness: I'm using mingw downloaded today 5/04/2007 as well as the 4/04/2007 CB build for Windows. And I'm running on Vista.
--- End quote ---
MinGW does use dllcrt1.o or dllcrt2.o; but I've never heard of a plain dllcrt.o as in your command line. When linking, I also recommend using the "g++" or "gcc" tool instead of "ld" directly. gcc/g++ will call ld with extra "hidden" parameters (not so hidden, they're actually in a file called "specs").
To get to the real point: MinGW has issues with Vista. There's much documentation and help to be found; eg.
You can also subscribe to the mingw lists, and you'll be sure to find some help.
I turned on the full command line option (I hadn't seen it yet!) and turned back on the "Create .DEF export file" option. This is what I get:
--- Code: ----------------- Build: Release in PortillonV2 ---------------
mingw32-g++.exe -shared -Wl,--output-def=bin\Release\libPortillonV2.def -Wl,--out-implib=bin\Release\libPortillonV2.a -Wl,--dll -L..\..\..\Programmes\Kits\C\Lib -LC:\mingw\lib obj\Release\main.o -o bin\Release\PortillonV2.dll -s
ld: dllcrt2.o: No such file: No such file or directory
--- End code ---
Hum, I read some google vista+mingw, and yes, it's surely that. I had the same problem with the cc1.exe and other files, and had to move them to c:\mingw\bin. (I've been using vista for 2 days and.... *rant*)
Well, I'l investigate this a bit more tomorrow, and try to compile by hand (that should be a good exercise). Hopefully this will get fixed soon!
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