I have the feeling not all problems are gone yet. I create a new project (tried it out on linux), project is saved (looks ok), but can't be loaded afterwards ... :-(
this is the project file (created new console project) :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<FileVersion major="1" minor="6" />
<Option title="DeleteMeTest" />
<Option pch_mode="2" />
<Option compiler="gcc" />
<Target title="Debug">
<Option output="./DeleteMeTest" prefix_auto="1" extension_auto="1" />
<Option object_output="obj/Debug/" />
<Option type="1" />
<Option compiler="gcc" />
<Add option="-g" />
<Target title="Release">
<Option output="./DeleteMeTest" prefix_auto="1" extension_auto="1" />
<Option object_output="obj/Release/" />
<Option type="1" />
<Option compiler="gcc" />
<Add option="-O2" />
<Add option="-s" />
<Add option="-Wall" />
<Unit filename="main.cpp" />
<Extensions ="">
<code_completion />
I compared it with another project file (similar project), it looks the same (only the project name is different and as such output filename) : but CB refuses to open it, says it can't and if i want to remove it from the recent list. Properties in linux claims there are 86 words, and my other older project (that still opens ok) has 85 words. I just don't see it ...