Crashing crash-dialog?
The past few days I have been using the 2006, sep 3 build instead of my RC2. Two times I have had a crash report - I suppose it happens because the nightly doesn't like RC2 for some reason. I have never had a crash in RC2.
The first time was when I was setting a path to the compiler: Settings -> Compiler -> Directories -> Linker -> Add, browse to c:\msys\1.0\local\lib, copy path, go to Directories -> Comiler, paste path, press "..." (to browse to ..\include) caused a crash
The second time was when I was trying to make a new empty project.
The errors are reproducable, unless I do something else with code blocks, after which they are not reproducable. The most strange part is that the error report titled "Woha!" continues to pop up so it is hard even to get the the task manager or to press ctrl-alt-delete. At one of the events I had almost 400 dialogs on screen before I managed to stop the process. They pop up quite fast, about 10 per second.
Is it possible that the crash report is capable of crashing? :-)
I'm running Windows XP, in an installation from 2003 - so a lot of old stuff might be it hanging around.