Ok, current status of new wxSmith (I've worked really hard on wxSmith last week to make it usable in any way

Currently working:
* New framework prepared for new resources and even GUIs
* Adopting wxWidgest projects created using wxWidgets wizard to work with wxSmith (it tries to modify code where wxApp is created) - wxSmith's wizad is no longer needed
* Create wxFrame / wxDialog / wxPanel (just like before)
* Editor almost done - you can add new items, edit them in property grid and use mouse to change size / placement of items
* Full source code creation - all required source code is generated, but I haven't tested resources using XRC files
* Undo / redo
* Cut / Copy / Paste (but not yet tested)
* Each item has priority - items palette is better organized now
* Can use dialog units in resources for size / position and few other properties (this wasn't supported in old wxSmith)
Not yet working (comparing to old wxSmith):
* resource browser is not fully supported (resources are shown, selecting resource opens editor but selecting item inside resource does not select it on editor)
* No Quick-Properties panels
* No importing of XRC files
* Preview button in editor does not work
* Can not edit events (this is almost done but not enabled in property grid)
* Not all items supported in old wxSmith version are supported (few items require some extra threatment - like wxNoteBoox needs system to swap currently edited page)
* Converting from old wxSmith format not yet done
* No MAC support
* Not tested on Linux
* Editor needs to be polished up - it tends to blink to much and sometimes it does not refresh correctly (but looks like it's more stable than previous versions)
* No automake files
* No linux project file
In my opinion, 80-90% of rewrite is done
