I have forked the project, and enabled the github action, and I manually start a build action runner for the 64bit C::B.
See here:
https://github.com/asmwarrior/x86-codeblocks-builds/actions/runs/10446493022It looks like the build is successful. When I download the result file, in github, it is called Artifacts, named "codeblocks64.zip"
I download the zip file, and extract it in my computer, it looks like the structure is like "Linux file system", here is the structure:
# tree
├── bin
│ ├── cb_console_runner.exe
│ ├── cb_share_config.exe
│ ├── codeblocks.exe
│ ├── libcodeblocks-0.dll
│ ├── libwxchartctrl-0.dll
│ ├── libwxcustombutton-0.dll
│ ├── libwxflatnotebook-0.dll
│ ├── libwximagepanel-0.dll
│ ├── libwxkwic-0.dll
│ ├── libwxled-0.dll
│ ├── libwxmathplot-0.dll
│ ├── libwxsmithlib.dll
│ └── libwxspeedbutton-0.dll
├── include
│ ├── codeblocks
│ │ ├── annoyingdialog.h
│ │ ├── autodetectcompilers.h
│ │ ├── backgroundthread.h
│ │ ├── base64.h
│ │ ├── blockallocated.h
│ │ ├── cbart_provider.h
│ │ ├── cbauibook.h
│ │ ├── cbcolourmanager.h
│ │ ├── cbdebugger_interfaces.h
I think we need a tool named "copy dependency", I mean we need a tool to copy all the dependency dlls to the bin folder.
This tool could be used:
brechtsanders/pedeps: Cross-platform C library to read data from PE/PE+ files (the format of Windows .exe and .dll files)Another issue is that we don't need the "include" folders.
Also, I think the file structure could be like "Windows" system? I mean there is a share folder in the same folder of the codeblocks.exe.