I've now spent nearly 6 hours trying to find a means to associate the clangd_client crash address with a source line.
I've failed with nm.exe, Dependentcies.exe, Addr2line.exe, Addr2lineUI.exe. None report anything usable.
The only action now is to use the devel debugging version of clangd_client in the output32 directory so that the crash report contains the source line.
@Grit Clef
Rename your ouput32 plugin version of clangd_client.dll to clangd_client.dll.bak.
Make sure the clangd_client was compiled with the -g compiler options in order to get debugging info.
Copy the clangd_client.dll from the devel32\share\codeblocks\plugins directory to the output32\share\codeblocks\plugin directory.
Do not run ./update32, because it will strip out the debugging info.
BTW, those directories may have a slightly different name, like devel32_64, output32_64, etc.
Try to recreate the crash.
When it crashes, the .rpt file should contain the source line number of the crash.